
Shop large range of carrier grade instruments to improve and customize your signal boosting solution.


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6 products

Cell Phone Signal Boosters Outdoor Antenna
Outdoor Antenna Mount for Signal Booster
HiBoost Single Indoor Antenna Expansion Kit
HiBoost Lightning Arrester Kit

HiBoost Lightning Arrester Kit

Sale price$42.99 CAD
HiBoost 50ft Low-loss 200 Coaxial Cable
HiBoost 30ft Low-loss 200 Coaxial Cable

Cell phone signal booster accessories

Shop HiBoost's wide range of accessories & parts to help improve cell signal in vehicles and buildings.

Accessories to fit any installation need

Shop HiBoost's wide range of signal boosters to help improve cell reception in vehicles, trucks, RVs, homes, and offices. Search and shop by category to find the best signal booster for your specific needs.